Your RAMP challenges

RAMP challenges begin with an interesting supervised prediction problem for which there is data. Domain experts teaching clean and curate the data and formalize the problem, working with experienced data scientists if required. This process can take two weeks to six months, and results in a 'starting kit', which typically consists of:

  • A jupyter notebook that introduces the predictive problem, provides some background information, exploratory data analysis and data visualisation, explains the workflow and provides a simple example solution.
  • A '' file that parametrizes the setup and uses building blocks from RAMP workflow.
  • The data, split into training and test subsets.
  • A requirements file detailing all the required software packages.

A challenge event can now be organised. These events may be part of a post-graduate level programme or a 'hackathon'. If the data science problem requires the mastering of a specific tool, the RAMP event can be preceded by a Training Sprint for explaining specific tools to the participants.

RAMP data challenges has been used for teaching in many courses at various levels. Students usually love the platform for:

  • its competitive gaming aspect,
  • being able to learn from each other in the open phase, and
  • to compete as a group with other student groups on the same problem.

Using RAMP for teaching

If you are interested in using the platform for teaching, we can open a new event for any RAMP challenge. You will have full control over the timeline of the event (start, moving from closed to open phase and end).

At the end of your challenge we will give you a csv file with all the performance metrics of each student.

Creating a new RAMP challenge

If you have a predictive problem you may be interested in developing a new RAMP challenge to incite data scientists to collaboratively prototype new models. All RAMP packages are open source and documented, allowing you to build your challenge using ramp-workflow and run an event by setting up your own RAMP server using ramp-board.

We may be able to work with you in developing your RAMP challenge or helping to organise events such as hackathons or use the problem in a classroom setting. We can also automatically benchmark the thousands of models that are already in the platform.

Contact us

To use RAMP for teaching or to work with us to develop a new RAMP challenge or organise a new event, contact us at